En las noticias

Una colección de artículos relevantes con noticias sobre la compañía y nuestros productos.

Media: networkworld.com
| 01-Mar-2016
| English

See the latest security wares on display at RSA in San Francisco.

Media: helpnetsecurity.com
| 01-Mar-2016
| English

At RSA Conference 2016 in San Francisco, CoSoSys released Endpoint Protector DLP for Linux in Private Beta, enabling protection against data leakages for confidential data on organization’s Linux workstations.

Media: funkschau.de
| 29-Feb-2016
| German

Komplexe Security-Lösungen wie Systeme für Data Leak Prevention unterbinden Datenverlust und Datendiebstahl durch Mitarbeiter. Allerdings scheitert die Implementierung einer Lösung häufig an der Befürchtung, das System mit den bestehenden Ressourcen nicht beherrschen zu können.

Media: cio.com
| 29-Feb-2016
| English

Even if Linux is secure by design, the data residing on these machines is not secure and that’s exactly what one company is trying to protect. CoSoSys, a firm that offers data loss prevention (DLP) and mobile device management (MDM) solutions, today announced a private beta release of Endpoint Protector DLP for Linux.

Media: itworldcanada.co
| 29-Feb-2016
| English

Driving into this city from the airport, attendees to the annual RSA Conference may see a billboard from a security vendor which asks two questions very much on their minds: “Will they get in?” it asks of attackers. “Can they be stopped?” Interestingly, the vendor doesn’t answer the questions.

Media: rbb-online.de
| 24-Feb-2016
| German

Weil auch Mitarbeiter sensible Daten runterladen können, dürfen Unternehmen ihren IT-Traffic überwachen. Vorausgesetzt, sie haben die Mitarbeiter darüber ausreichend informiert. Falls nicht, kann es passieren, dass auch ein Datendiebstahl folgenlos bleibt.

Media: techproessentials.com
| 25-Jan-2016
| English

As we move towards Data Protection Day this week and continue to navigate the constantly evolving security landscape where new malicious hacks are made each day, we often overlook the ones closest to home: insider threats.

Media: datakontext.com
| 20-Jan-2016
| German

IT Spezialisten gehen davon aus dass den meisten Unternehmen Daten abhandengekommen sind allerdings nur wenige davon etwas bemerkt haben.

Media: channelbiz.es
| 19-Jan-2016
| Spanish

Aryan pondrá en manos de sus partners CoSoSys Endpoint Protector, una solución de protección de datos DLP (Data Loss Prevention) y MDM (Mobile Device Magnagement).

Media: clomedia.com
| 12-Jan-2016
| English

The work of learning leaders may revolve around building organizational knowledge and skill development crucial to company success, but new research shows few are educating employees around smaller, seemingly innocuous behaviors that can have costly implications.

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